Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Golf and Tennis

A man got on a bus with both of his front pants pockets full of golf balls.
A blond kept looking quizzically at him and his bulging pockets,
Finally, after many such glances from her, he said, "It's golf balls."

The blond continued to look at him thoughtfully and finally asked, "Does it hurt as much as tennis elbow?"

Funny Pecker.

Two Woodpeckers

A Mexican woodpecker and a Canadian woodpecker were in Mexico arguing about which country had the toughest trees. The Mexican woodpecker claimed Mexico had a tree that no woodpecker could peck.

The Canadian woodpecker accepted his challenge and promptly pecked a hole in the tree with no problem. The Mexican woodpecker was amazed.

The Canadian woodpecker then challenged the Mexican woodpecker to peck a tree in Canada that was absolutely 'impeckable' (a term frequently used by woodpeckers ). The Mexican woodpecker expressed confidence that he could do it and accepted the challenge.

The two of them flew to Canada where the Mexican woodpecker successfully pecked the so-called 'impeckable' tree almost without breaking a sweat.

Both woodpeckers were now terribly confused. How is it that the
Canadian woodpecker was able to peck the Mexican tree, and the Mexican woodpecker was able to peck the Canadian tree, yet neither was able to peck the tree in their own country?

After much woodpecker pondering, they both came to the same conclusion:

Apparently, Tiger Woods was right, when he said, your pecker gets harder when you're away from home.

Gay marriage goes on trail in California!

Opponents and defenders of gay marriage geared Monday for an epic court showdown.

Today there are only 5 US states that permits gay unioins, they are Iowa, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire.

It is scary to think that America is a world leader yet they are so ignorant towards the people they are suppose to govern. In South Africa we are allowed to marry any gender. Gay or Straight? My country see no difference. Not legally anyway. There is still some social discrimination surrounding homosexuality, but our justice system is fair enough. They could perhaps lay on harder sentences, but violate the law and you'll pay when you get caught, and in some cases, if you get caught. Gay people tend to not report these incidents to the Police.

Back to marriage, we as gay couples in South Africa have the exact same rights as heterosexual people. We are allowed to choose between "marriage" and "civil partnership". Straight people also have this option. The only difference being whats written on you marriage certificate. If you choose to be married you'll be husband and husband. If partnership is what you choose, it will be partner A and partner B.

Today I can proudly sit back and say: "America you suck"

Learn from South Africa for once, and see us for the leader that we are.

"I think our founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves if they heard that the constitution guarantees the right to redefine marriage. This is absurd," Brian Brown said. He is the director of the National Organisation for Marriage.

How did he end up such a public figure? Is it for the same reasons as what our local Julius Malema ( ANC Youth Leader) always ends up in the news? Because Julius Malema is also the kind of person who could turn everything into a "them" against "us" issue. Always race in his case. In a recent IOL poll they asked readers if they think Julius Malema is a racist and the result was that 88% said yes. You could read about that if you click here.

So, yes I think you find their sort everywhere.

Sometimes it is necessary to wash you hands of them and say good riddance to bad rubbish.

America should catch a wake-up. You want to pride yourself in your constitution, you want the world to admire you whilst all you are good at is in being an absolute arse-hole,  cause war, and in being arrogant. You once had racism in America just as bad as what we had it over here.We overcame our demons.

In America the fight of race is over, yet the gay people have to struggle for the right to live a normal life.

First World Country my left tit.....


Only in Africa!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Give me wings, then get a life...

Ignorance is a bitch.

Ignorance is no excuse for being rude.

Ignorance is one of those things that cannot be blamed on anyone but yourself.

Honesty is definitely the best way to sort something out.

So this is a message to all the homophobes:

I am married you bastard. I am married to a man, and I love him. He's my life. He is the one that comforts me in times of need. I do not need anyone but him to keep me safe, to love me, to take care of me.

So, today when you looked at me and said something to your wife that made YOU laugh, not her, you just embarrassed yourself and your wife.

Sad that somebody like you should have children, just to raise another generation of homophobic bastards like yourself. May none of you sons ever have to try and explain to you that they are gay.

You are the kind of man that will kill a child's soul if that is the case.

Yes, call me a "fairy". Sir, I heard you, and so did half the shop.


"Fairy" - Have you no imagination?

Come and see me sometime, then I will teach you how to be a bitch.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fark, sometimes I mess up...

Mostly I just open my mouth to change feet. That is the one thing about me that I could've lived without. In my 29 years I've called a priest "testicles" (the Sotho words sounds very much the same, Muruti and Mêrete).

I've called a fat women pregnant. I've said that ones mother is a whore (also due to cross language misunderstandings) Africa is a tough country. Eleven official languages in South Africa alone and I suspect that these things will happen, and I'm not alone in this.

It's just that I try really hard to be "politically correct", since it's all the rage over here. I try to treat every single person with dignity and respect. I do it partly 'cause I want to, and partly 'cause I have to. Yet it's difficult.

I don't like stupid people. I don't really care who you are, or where you are from, just have a brain and we might be friends.

I cant really hide the way I feel. My face tells its own story, and no matter how much I try to hide it I cant seem to control it. It really gets me into some deep shit sometimes.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Ek was die tiener uit die hel gewees. Ek sit vandag en terug dink aan die tyd toe die poliesie ons by die skool kom haal het. Ons is nou vir my en Thys.

Thys was in St.7 en ek in St.8. Thys was wel ‘n jaar ouer as ek, en so mooi soos ‘n engel. So een aand stap ek en Thys terug huis toe van die Spur af. Ons het altyd Vrydag aande daar bymekaar gekom saam met ons buddies, en ek en hy voel toe dat dit ‘n goeie tyd is om te gaan kuier by die enigste kroeg in ons ou dorpie. Tropicana was die naam van die ou plekkie gewees.

Jy hoef net daar in te stap om depressief te word, maar die wêreld lyk nuut op die rype ouderdom van 16 en ons bestel ons biere en gaan sit in ‘n donker hoek.(Mens weet nooit waneer Mnr. Stonehouse besluit hy is dors nie en as hy jou vang word jy Maandag voor die skool uitgeroep by die saal byeenkoms)

So word ons dronk. Op ons jong fikse ouderdomme het dit nie veel gevat om ons so te kry nie, en so tussen die badkammer toe slinger deur stap ons in sy neef vas. Die was duskant 40, en Thys se voog.

Hy was toe nie so kwaad as wat jy sou dink nie, en ons kuier saam met hom verder. ‘n Rukkie later tik Thys my op die skouer en wys my sy neef se kar sleutels. Nou ek hoef nie te verduidelik dat enige seun op 16 wil bestuur nie. Natuurlik glip ons weg en gaan soek na die kar. Horing dronk natuurlik…

Nou, in 1996, was die spesifieke Mercedes nogal ‘n baie moderne kar, en dis wat op ons wag toe ons daar kom. Ons was nat. Ons klim in, Thys eerste, en daar gaan die ou voor ons se agterste bumper, en ons voortse een. Thys en ek kyk mekaar, en ons ruil sitplekke sommer so binne die kar.

Ek reverse, en daar gaan ons agterste bumper, en die ou agter ons se voorste een. Ek probeer weer, en kom uit die parkering uit minus ‘n voorste bumper, en ‘n baie mooi sparkler wat agter my aansleep deur die hoofstraat agv die agterste ou se bumper wat nog vas sit aan ons sin.

Ons stop nie want netnou kan ons nie weer weg kom nie. Ons ry en iewers vrek die kar omdat ons clutch control nog nie so goed is nie. Thys vat oor.

Hy ry daai bonnet vir jou so knak deur die middel teen ‘n muur vas.

Ons los toe maar die kar daar, en stap die twee blokke terug kroeg toe, en gaan sê so ewe nag vir sy neef voordat ons na my huis toe gaan. Wel, Maandag is Thys nie by die skool nie. Ek bel maar kry nie antwoord nie. Voor tweede pouse word ek kantoor toe geroep en daar staan twee ooms in blou, en ‘n baie befokte mamma vir my en wag.

Ek het net geweet ek gaan bars. My Dad, vreemd genoeg, het half verlig gelyk. In na denke besef ek dat dit dalk was omdat hy op daardie stadium al woes begin stres het oor my “voorkeure” van lewensmaats, en hy het dalk hoop gesien omdat ek ook aanjaag soos ander laaities.

Dit het hom iets anders gegee om oor te gesels met sy braai tjommies. Ek neem hom nie kwalik nie, geen ou wil gaan afshow met hoe mooi sy seun hare blaas by ‘n bierdrink braai nie. Wel, nie waar ek vandaan kom nie.

My Dad het gegaan en mooi gepraat met Thys se neef, seker maar die kinders is kinders ding gewees, ek weet nie. Daar was toe darem nie sake nie.

Hy het nog mooier met my bemoerde ou moedertjie gesels, maar dit het minder resultate gehad. Ek hoor dit vandag nog. Veral as sy my twee jonger broers vasvat sê sy graag:”Ek het jou boetie gekry tot waar hy is, kardiefstal en al, ek skrik nie vir julle mannetjies nie!”

Die ding is, ek praat hier van my stiefpa, maar ek onthou nooit die stief deel nie. Hy was Pa. Hy was kwaai, maar hy was cool. Vandag nog is hy iemand waarvoor ek lekker kan lag.

Daar is 'n gay Pastoor in my kop.

“Die kontroversiële saak van homoseksualiteit in die kerk vorm die kern van die boek. Die outeur het aanvanklik geweier om sy homoseksualiteit te aanvaar en was uiteindelik oortuig dat dit slegs ‘n duiwel is wat uitgedryf moet word. As jongman ontmoet hy ‘n vrou met wie hy later trou, hy word pa en ook ‘ suksesvolle AGS Pastoor in Johannesburg. Maar as mens bly hy ontevrede en onvervuld. Die hart van die storie dui hoe sy vrou van hom skei, hy uiteindelik sy homoseksualiteit aanvaar en vrede en geluk vind in sy verhouding met Johan.

Die boek is ‘n duidelike maar ook pynlike uitbeelding van die wroeging wat ‘n gay man ervaar……..Philip Liebenberg is huidiglik pastoor by Die Kapel in Melville, Johannesburg” – Daar’s ‘n Gay Pastoor in my kop geskryf deur Phillip Liebenberg.

Natuurlik koop ek mos toe die boek. Dis min dat ons hier in my dorpie op gay-lit afkom. Behalwe vir die haarkapper (oviaas) is ons die enigste gay ouens hier op die dorp wat braaf (en ja dis die regte woord) genoeg is, en die “audacity” het om ‘n verhouding te hê.

“Oi wei!” Skree die kerk en maak groot oë. Snaaks genoeg was die Pastoor van wie ek in my skrywe Pastor say:”God can’t accept you if you’re gay.” geskryf het ook ‘n ou AGS fosiel gewees. Eers was ek baie, baie kwaad vir hom.

Hy het dit amper reg gekry om ‘n baie opregte en intense soeke na God morsdood te slaan met sy woorde:”Jy is nie welkom voor God nie. Kies tussen God en jou aanstaande, dan kom jy terug na my toe as jy God gekies het.”

Dit was natuurlik gesê met die mooiste glimlagie op sy lippe, en ek kan met alle eerlikheid vandag sê dat ek GEEN van God se liefde in daardie pastorie gevoel het nie.

Oom Pastoor, ja, jy wat so lekker oor jou belt borrel. Ek voel ek wil vir jou ook ‘n paar dinge sê.

Jy weet, jy is al in die 30 jaar getroud. In daai tyd het jy nog nie een aand alleen gaan slaap nie. Jy het ‘n seun. Jy gaan eendag kleinkinders en agter-kleinkinders hê. Jy word nooit snaaks aangekyk nie. Daar word nie van jou verwag om elke dag “konsert” te hou terwyl jou hart siek is van alleen wees nie.

Ek is gelukkig, ek KAN vir myself dink. Ek besef hoe verkeerd jy en jou kerk is teenoor gay mense. Ek weet darem dat die kerk nie God is nie. Duisende ander gay persone besef dit wel nie, en dis oor hulle wat ek wil jy moet dink.

Hoeveel gay mense het nie soos ek voor ‘n Pastorie se deur te staan gekom, net om verwerp te word nie? Hoeveel van hulle het nie daar en dan omgedraai en nooit weer terug gegaan nie? Is jou werk nie om God se kinders (en dis ons almal, glo dit of nie) voor die kruis te kry nie?

Ek is nie ‘n teoloog nie, so ek gaan nie verse begin rondgooi nie. Ek weet wel dat daar net ±5 versies in die hele bybel is wat homoseksualiteit aanspreek. En altyd in die konteks van welus, of iets soortsgelyks. En dan is daar ‘n vetalings kwessie, en die konteks waarin die vers geskryf was, wie die skrywer was, wat sy bedoelinge was. Duisend en een dinge wat dit kon beinvloed.

Jy het my weg gewys by God. Jy het gesê ek is nie welkom by God nie want, en hoe was jou woorde nou weer? “…want die kerk, en ek self ook voel so”

Die God wat ek as kind leer ken het, voor ek van seks iets af geweet het, was ‘n God wat vir almal lief is. Wat sy seun gestuur het om vir sondaars te kom sterf (nl. Ons almal. Jy ingelsuit) Hy was ‘n God wat nie onderskei het tussen sondes nie. Of miskien was daai een die God vir hetroseksuele mense? Hoekom dink ek nie so nie?

God is nie jou besitting nie Oom Pastoor, hou op om Hom net aan jou en die wat soos jy dink toe te eien. Hy is daar vir ons almal, en ons is Sy besitting.

(Original Posting can be found here, and it was written by me).

How do I know my husband is gay?

This title was a search term someone used to find my blog. I wish I could answer it. I have met some dudes, straight dudes, that were more feminine than any gay boy I know. They might have been feminine in the way they  carried themselves, but they were good family men.

The wife adored him. The children went gaga over him. He was good at conversation. He was caring and intelligent. You never can say from just looking at a person. Sure, you can see when he is looking back at you, you can read what he wants. Unless there is some form of communication, you would not know.

If a wife should be worried about whether her husband is gay, it's just sad. Ask him is about the only advice I can give you. Do not judge, or attack, just ask.

Once you received an answer, you should handle it. No amount of yelling or screaming will change the fact that he is gay. I know, I would most probably freak out, but will it help the situation?

A gay husband is not a bad man, or an uncaring father.

He is just a man, who happens to be gay...

Friday, January 1, 2010

God and gay.

Who is God?

Some how I cant believe that He is this old man with a big beard. I don’t think he has any form whatsoever. I believe that God’s nature is somewhere to be found within all of us. You can never get away from that.

Some use Islam as a vessel to serve that God. Some use Christianity. Some use Judaism, and some use Buddhism. We are all part of one God. It’s impossible for there to be more than one God. Lesser gods, could, or could not be part of that vessel you choose. Nobody can really say it is not so, but none of them could be bad. If every single thing has been created, and is part of one God, everything is like that God.

It’s just very stupid to think that any God would create his own enemy equal “Evil” counterpart. Like Satan or whatever you want to call it. I honestly don’t think he exists.

Being bad is a choice. It’s your decision to take what is not yours. Nobody forces you. It’s you decision take, or not to take a life, nobody else’s. You get what I am saying?

You can’t fuck up, then afterwards run to God and say please forgive me. You are part of God. (In His image we are created?) Take responsibility. God helps those who help themselves.

There are certain things that all people just know. We all just know what is right and wrong. Unless you are sick or emotionally twisted, then you’ll need help, we know you don’t kill unless your very life depended on it.

Here in South Africa farmers are being killed inside their own homes. Old, defenceless people are being killed for R200-00. It makes no sense. In the townships, babies are being raped, small defenceless babies, some only four months old. What sense are there in that?

God placed us all here to experience life, which is why He gave us the freedom of choice. Some choose to do bad things, and they experience the consequences.

Some choose to be good people, and have freedom.

But does God really give a shit? I don’t think He does.

He experience life through us. We are His children, and He’ll take care of you even if you tell Him to fuck-off.

It is us who created the concept of sin. God gave life, in entirety. He would not have created something to be “sinful”. The bad just harms you. The good just benefits you. He just loves you. Do you understand that?

Somehow I cannot think of one thing that you would ever be able to do, that would make Him stop loving you.

God does not care about whether you bump a boy or a girl. He does not care whether you smoke or not. Hell comes from a book, but you come from Him.

So live your life, to the fullest. That is why He gave you life to begin with.

It's 2010!

May 2010 be a year filled with wonderfull memories, may all your dreams come true.

Walk in faith and tolerance.

Believe in yourself, and in others.

Trust in God, and talk to Him.

Also, I hope that the best of 2009 will be the worst of 2010.

Happy 2010!!