Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gay marriage goes on trail in California!

Opponents and defenders of gay marriage geared Monday for an epic court showdown.

Today there are only 5 US states that permits gay unioins, they are Iowa, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire.

It is scary to think that America is a world leader yet they are so ignorant towards the people they are suppose to govern. In South Africa we are allowed to marry any gender. Gay or Straight? My country see no difference. Not legally anyway. There is still some social discrimination surrounding homosexuality, but our justice system is fair enough. They could perhaps lay on harder sentences, but violate the law and you'll pay when you get caught, and in some cases, if you get caught. Gay people tend to not report these incidents to the Police.

Back to marriage, we as gay couples in South Africa have the exact same rights as heterosexual people. We are allowed to choose between "marriage" and "civil partnership". Straight people also have this option. The only difference being whats written on you marriage certificate. If you choose to be married you'll be husband and husband. If partnership is what you choose, it will be partner A and partner B.

Today I can proudly sit back and say: "America you suck"

Learn from South Africa for once, and see us for the leader that we are.

"I think our founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves if they heard that the constitution guarantees the right to redefine marriage. This is absurd," Brian Brown said. He is the director of the National Organisation for Marriage.

How did he end up such a public figure? Is it for the same reasons as what our local Julius Malema ( ANC Youth Leader) always ends up in the news? Because Julius Malema is also the kind of person who could turn everything into a "them" against "us" issue. Always race in his case. In a recent IOL poll they asked readers if they think Julius Malema is a racist and the result was that 88% said yes. You could read about that if you click here.

So, yes I think you find their sort everywhere.

Sometimes it is necessary to wash you hands of them and say good riddance to bad rubbish.

America should catch a wake-up. You want to pride yourself in your constitution, you want the world to admire you whilst all you are good at is in being an absolute arse-hole,  cause war, and in being arrogant. You once had racism in America just as bad as what we had it over here.We overcame our demons.

In America the fight of race is over, yet the gay people have to struggle for the right to live a normal life.

First World Country my left tit.....

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